Glen Innes Facts & Attractions

Glen Innes Facts


About 8793 in the Glen Innes Severn Council area.  (2006 census)

Annual rainfall

750mm-850mm.  More towards the coast and less towards the west.


Strategically at the intersection of the New England and the Gwydir highways.


Summer minimum is 12.5 C, and the maximum is 26 C; Winter minimum 1C, the maximum is 13.5C.

Height above sea level

1072 meters in Glen Innes, with nearby hills rising to 1500m at Ben Lomond and in the Deepwater district.  Glen Innes is the highest large town in Australia.


Wool, sheep, cattle, agriculture, viticulture, sapphires, tourism and Windfarms.


Scot Archibald Boyd was the district’s first settler.  He was guided by bearded stockmen William Chandler and John Duval, both celebrated in the Land of the Beardies Festival and Land of the Beardies History House Museum.

The town was gazetted in 1852

Glen Innes Attractions

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